Lutheran schools and early childhood services,
as part of the mission of the Lutheran church,
are communities of worship and service,
sharing and living the good news of Jesus Christ.
Growing deep: Our foundation
Lutheran education communities worship regularly in a variety of settings ranging from staff or class devotions to whole school worship services. It is an important expression of identity and spirituality for the community.
Lutherans believe that worship is about God’s love for all people. In worship, people have the opportunity to respond in prayer, singing and praise. Lutherans also believe that in worship, the Holy Spirit works through the word of God to nurture and inspire the community.
The faith backgrounds of students and staff can be diverse and therefore some aspects of worship are different from those of local church communities. Worship in the Lutheran education context is conducted in ways that are accessible to students. It uses language and style that communicate the relevance of the gospel to the lives of students in a range of ways as God works differently in different people at different times.
The school pastor, staff or students may lead whole school worship and classroom teachers lead devotions for their class.
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LCA statements