'I believe that A Vison for leaners and learning in Lutheran schools is one of the most important accomplishments of Lutheran Education Australia (LEA). It represents the culmination of a lengthy development process and reflects the thinking of a wide range of practitioners on learning in a Lutheran school. It challenges us to consider the beliefs and values that direct our practice, and it calls us to be consistently true to them.’
Adrienne Jericho
A Vision for learners and learning is being reviewed in 2021.
Phase 1 of the project involves schools and early childhood services in discussions and workshops to explore or revisit A vision for learners and learning.
Some schools have engaged in the workshops and we have received the following feedback:
- Unity College - workshop notes and PPT
- Living Faith Lutheran Primary School
- Trinity Mildura (pictured right) are exploring the profile of a Trinity graduate to inform feedback.
Some schools are simply providing us with their school-based descriptions of learners and learning as a resource for considering the new vision
Workshop resources have been developed in collaboration with Kimberley Powell and Eloise Beveridge of LEVNT, Derek Bartels and Cheryl Budd of LEQ and Andrew Bradtke and Andrew Kelly of LESNW. Please find the workshop resources here that provide ideas for different ways of engaging with the review from a one hour discussion through to a day workshop. Schools and early childhood services can engage in whatever way best meets their needs, time and available resources.
WORKSHOP PADLET: https://padlet.com/LuthEdAus/revision
Some of the hopes shared at our meeting where we discussed and collaborated on the project included:
- Could you imagine 80 schools have that ‘aha’ moment? This is what we need to achieve. We can work together… cohesive connection and collaboration.
- Help us all be passionate about learners and learning. It could be a catalyst for everyone to refocus and prepare students and children for a complex world.
- Have an impact. When we meet again in 15 years time to review it again, we will be discussing what an impact it had and how it set a benchmark for implementation.
Phase 2 of the project involves the collation of the feedback received from schools and early childhood services and the engagement of an expert reference group who will develop a draft for consultation.
Please do not hesitate to email any of the regional collaborators or anne.dohnt@lutheran.edu.au if you have any questions.
Lutheran schools and early childhood services are communities that
value learning as God’s gift to people for their wonder, growth,
and to inspire them to respond to the needs of the world.
Growing deep: Our foundation