Data Collection
March project work focussed on data collection. Many thanks to those who have contributed documents and feedback so that we can get the richest, most robust information possible. Your feedback will be used by both the Reference Group and subsequent Focus Groups to revise and enhance the next version of the framework.
Over 127 teachers of Christian Studies have completed the survey on their insights into using the CSCF. Preliminary data will be collated beginning 8 April. If you haven’t yet had a chance to complete the survey, you have until Wednesday 17 April to do so.
To date, we have received 21 Christian Studies Scope and Sequence documents from schools and early childhood services. They are providing us with an understanding of patterns – such as the order of Key Ideas and how schools accommodate respective year level themes. If you haven’t yet had a chance to share your 2023 Scope and Sequence documents, there is still time. You can email them to
Reference and Focus Groups
We are grateful to those who have volunteered to be part of the Reference Group and those who have volunteered to be considered for Focus Groups. We anticipate the Reference Group will be finalised before Easter. Focus groups will then be identified and begin their work later in Term 2.
Many blessings on your continued work sharing the Gospel message with our young people.
Janet Moeller