Christian Living Theological Notes
The CHRISTIAN LIVING [CL] strand is concerned with Christian teachings about living in relationship with God and how this inspires Christians to live in love and service in the local and global community. Christian Living Key Idea 2: Christians are called to love and serve all people. Christian Studies Curriculum Framework (CSCF).
Suggested reading
6 challenges 6 mysteries the charter for the future of Lutheran education established in 2004.
Justice and Grace, Generous Justice: How God’s Grace Makes Us Just, Timothy Keller. 2010. New York: Penguin Group. ISBN: 978-0-525-95190- 2
Social Justice 2005 Reuther Oration Norman C Habel ‘Social Justice in a Lutheran School Context’
‘The Lutheran’ articles – Social Justice summaries
Lutheran Church Australia web page Social Justice / Action
‘Solving Poverty is Rocket-Science’ by Richard Stearns [article in Christianity Today, 2013]
David Livermore ‘What can I do: Making a global difference right where you are’. Zondervan USA
Expand your borders: Discover ten Cultural Clusters [CQ insight Series] by David Livermore
Sherwood G. Lingenfelter & Marvin K Mayers (2003) [second edition] ‘Ministering Cross-Culturally’ Baker Academic USA
Duane Elmer (2006) ‘Cross-Cultural Servanthood’. Intervarsity Press USA
Additional educational reading
[These readings have an American, civic-minded approach to Service-Learning and need to be read with this context in mind]
‘Service Learning: A Balanced Approach To Experiential Education’ by Andrew Furco
The 5 stages of Service learning: (2010)
Refugees and the Good Samaritan: on being a neighbour This article, written by Richard Glover published on the Bible Society website, identifies five things we should note from Jesus about what it means for us to be neighbours.