Each new staff member who comes into the Lutheran school community will bring with him/her a particular spirituality based on who they are, their beliefs and values, their life experiences, their personality and the assumptions out of which they live and which provide meaning and purpose for their daily living. Their spirituality isn’t simply some feeling or emotional experience but something which impacts on them as a whole person, body, mind and spirit.
Directions 1 Read this first - directions explained
An outline of the structure of the staff spirituality sub section of directions
Directions 2
A document that reaffirms the reason why Lutheran schools have been established
Directions 3
Most of our Lutheran schools display the cross in a prominent place, often on some centrally located high point on the school campus, sometimes as part of a substantial logo usually in a location for optimum public view and definitely throughout the school community as part of uniforms, letterheads. Does all that happens within reflect the cross in reality, or is it just a facade?
Directions 4
It is important that the Principal of a Lutheran school is recognised as the spiritual leader. It is vital that this task is taken seriously. This is a short statement that attempts to diffuse any possible tension that might surround the concept of the Principal being cast in this role.
Directions 5
Expands on what is meant by spiritual leadership. It is more than just being up front leading a study, a prayer or a devotion.
Directions 6
There are many emerging forms of spirituality in contemporary society. This is a short statement that puts forward a simple working definition for a Christian spirituality for Lutheran schools.
Directions 7
Are Lutheran schools spiritually at the cross-roads? How much longer can we as staff in Lutheran schools be expected to go on promoting a product that the world at least, says has a limited shelf-life? The wheels are falling off of the traditional church as we know it in every country throughout the western world, where statistics confirm a massive on-going decline in regular worship attendance. Do we continue to follow the pathway that traditional spirituality, church and religion have taken us, or can we become modern-day reformers and agents of change to bring on a new spirituality? Is there an opportunity before us right now to redefine, reshape, and reclaim the spiritual marshland?
Directions 8
A different look at the story of Jesus calms the storm, taking the context and turning it in to a mission text. What is our task in Lutheran Schools? Spreading the word! Jesus and the disciples were heading across to the other side of teh lake to SPREAD THE WORD. Are we in the boat?
Directions 9
The Ministry Team at Golden Grove Lutheran School have offered to help other schools in planning ministry initiatives. This document is a brief summary of the type of support that they may be able to offer.
It is critical that we immerse ourselves in the words of Jesus. It is important to hear these words often and as directly as possible, by studying the word ourselves, rather than what someone else has written after they have studied the word.
Reflections 1
An outline of the Staff Spirituality sub-section of REFLECTIONS
Reflections 2
A further introduction to REFLECTIONS. It is critical that we immerse ourselves in the words of Jesus. It is important to hear these words often and as directly as possible, by studying the word ourselves, rather than what someone else has written after they have studied the word.
Reflections 3
Why did Jesus use parables? The answer to this question is not as straight forward as it seems on the surface. The link to Old Testament prophecy is also explained.
Reflections 4
A REFLECTION that takes an in-depth look at the context of the parable of the sower in the ministry of Jesus.
Reflections 5
The parable of the mustard seed is an amazing little parable when you start to dig behind the scenes.
Reflections 6
The prodigal son is probably one of the best known parables. However one gets a whole new perspective when examining this parable 'visually' through the eyes of Rembrandt, and the personal interface of Henri Nouwen with the painting.
Reflections 7
A closer study of the parable of the Hidden Treasure reveals a surprise!
This short film outlines a new perspective on the world and having a meaningful daily encounter with God. Most of us are searching for something deeper, something challenging. This short piece allows us to contemplate and think about life after death and the enigma of heaven. What do we imagine?
The spiritual growth of any community depends heavily upon the personal spiritual journey of individuals within that community. In order to move forward , a critical expectation is that we must be in training. For any endeavours to learn a musical instrument, to become skilled at a sporting pursuit, or in mastering a new technology, we need to train. To do that, there must be discipline. We must subject ourselves to the spiritual disciplines. Hence the name SUBJECTIONS.
Subjections 1
An outline of the Staff Spirituality sub-section of SUBJECTIONS
Subjections 2
Engaging in the spiritual disciplines is critical if we are to progress along in our own personal faith journey. Hence it is important to 'be in training'.
Subjections 3
Prayer is arguably the most important of the spiritual disciplines. A few guidelines are offered as a starting point. There are many approaches to prayer - this is just one to try.
Subjections 4
An examination of the INWARD spiritual discipline of study.
Subjections 5
A gospel perspective of the spiritual discipline of service.
Subjections 6
Explores the discipline of solitude as an aid to spiritual growth.
Subjections 7
Richard Foster in his book Celebration of Discipline, outlines 12 spiritual disciplines in 3 key areas. Worship is one of the essential CORPORATE disciplines. This document provides some guidelines and compelling thoughts on worship for staff in Lutheran schools in the 21st century.